'PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education) underpins every aspect of life at Twiss Green Community Primary School.
PSHE is taught from Reception to Year 6 following the Jigsaw curriculum; each area of study is differentiated to meet the needs and the maturity of the children in each year group.
The areas of study are:
* Being me in my world
* Celebrating difference
* Dreams and goals
* Healthy me
* Relationships
* Changing me
The Jigsaw PSHE Curriculum is an approach which has the development of the whole child at its heart. All lessons are centred around establishing a safe and positive learning environment based on trusting relationships between all members of the class; adults and children alike.
Each weekly session begins the Jigsaw Circle Time and 'Calm Me' session activities. Confidence in oneself and awareness of self – the backbones of good mental health – are sometimes tricky concepts for children (and adults) to adopt. However, a tried-and-tested method is used in Jigsaw and is proving to be invaluable when helping children to become more successful in all aspects of their lives, not just as learners. The practice of mindfulness, where children learn to be in the present moment without judgement, is taught in every Jigsaw lesson – through the Calm Me time, through visualisation and through breathing techniques. Mindfulness practise enables them to observe their own thoughts and feelings, regulate them and make conscious decisions about their learning, behaviour and lives. It helps them to remain focused on the present moment and thrive in it.
Every aspect of the PSHE Association’s programme of study is covered in Jigsaw. You can see where the strands have been covered; the mapping grid is freely accessible here.
The PSHE association programme of study can be viewed here.
The Jigsaw Charter
Throughout the lesson the children (and adults), are encouraged to develop skills, attitudes and behaviours which can be transferred to all aspects of their lives - in school and out, this is the Jigsaw Charter:
* We take turns to speak
* We use kind and positive words
* We listen to each other
* We have the right to pass
* We only use names when giving compliments or when being positive
* We respect each other's privacy.
Sometimes written work, art or thoughts are recorded in the Jigsaw Journal but quite often, the lessons are high quality speaking and listening sessions where children have the time to share their opinions and be listened to; hear the opinions of others and have the time to reflect.
You can read more about the Jigsaw Curriculum and how it supports: safeguarding, The Prevent Agenda (extremism and radicalisation), British Values and SMSC using the following link: