Parents' Evening appointments for Tuesday 25th and Wednesday 26th March are live on SchoolPing - book your appointment now!
Parents' Evening appointments for Tuesday 25th and Wednesday 26th March are live on SchoolPing - book your appointment now!
Twiss Green Community Primary School

Admissions Information

Admission arrangements

Admissions application guidance is available for all parents of children due to start Reception in September. Please click on the following link which will take you to the information on the Warrington Borough Council website regarding admission arrangements for 2025

Information on Admissions to Reception Class - September 2025


Applications should be made on line at  unless for exceptional reasons you are unable to do so. The closing date for applications is normally mid January.

Parents should note that it is the Local Authority which is the Admissions Authority, not the Headteacher or the school's governing body.  Children are admitted to school at the beginning of the school year during which their fifth birthday will occur.  The school year runs from 1st September of any one year to 31st August of the following year.  In other words, children are admitted in the September following their fourth birthday.


Deferred Entry to the Reception Class

You have the right to defer your child’s entry to school until he or she is of compulsory school age.  Twiss Green Community School can guarantee a deferred entry to the Reception Class, provided that the place is taken up no later than the start of the Spring term.  Please contact the Headteacher if you seriously wish to consider this course of action.


Timetable for Reception Class Admissions

The exact timetable for receipt of applications will vary slightly each year.  The timetable for September admissions is:

September:online application will be available at

January following: deadline for online application

April: a letter is posted to parents from Local Authority offices, telling parents of the place which has been allocated to their child.


In Year Transfers/Admissions


Pupils Entering School at Other Than Reception Age

Pupils in any year group other than Reception who would like to be admitted to the school will be admitted by the Local Authority according the same criteria as used for Reception children, up to the school's limit per year-group.  This is 30 per class in each Key Stage.

Parental Choice of School

Parents can express a preference for their child to attend Twiss Green, even if they do not live close to the school.  If the year-group is not full, the child will be admitted.


Catchment Area and Admissions Criteria of the School

Schools no longer have a catchment zone from within which any child must be admitted to a school.  Admissions priorities are as follows:

  1. Children in care and children formerly in care.
  2. Siblings, if the older brother or sister already attending the school is expected to continue at the school in the following year.
  3. Pupils for whom advice from a medical practitioner or psychologist has been provided by the parents in support of admission to a particular school which, in the Local Authority’s view, justifies admission to the preferred school.
  4. Pupils living nearest to the school defined ‘as the crow flies’ from the front door of the child’s permanent place of residence to the main entrance of the school.

Admissions Appeals

Parents have a statutory right of appeal against the decision of the admissions Authority. Details of the procedure are available from the Admissions Team (details above).

In-year Admissions Advice from the Admissions team

In-year admission applications are those requesting a transfer from one school to another outside of the normal admissions round, for example when a family moves house part way through a school year.

If your request for an in-year transfer is not because of an address change or relocation from overseas, you are strongly advised to think very carefully before you apply. Problems that your child may be experiencing may not go away simply as a result of a change of school.

To apply for a transfer or if you would like any help or advice regarding admissions, please contact:

The Admissions Team, Children and Young Peoples’ Services, New Town House,

Buttermarket Street, Warrington. WA1 2NJ

Telephone:  01925 442902