Parents' Evening appointments for Tuesday 25th and Wednesday 26th March are live on SchoolPing - book your appointment now!
Parents' Evening appointments for Tuesday 25th and Wednesday 26th March are live on SchoolPing - book your appointment now!
Twiss Green Community Primary School

Welcome to Year One!

Year 1 – Knypersley First School | Biddulph | Staffordshire
Class Teacher - Miss Delooze
Teaching Assistant - Mrs Bishop
LSA 1:1 - Mrs Nightingale/Mrs Harrop
Welcome to Spring Term!
We have lots of new and exciting topics that we will be exploring and learning about throughout this term!
This term we will be exploring Place Value & Addition and Subtraction within Maths, Exploring Everyday Materials in Science and Making a Puppet in DT. 
You can find out more information about our upcoming learning on our 2024-2025 curriculum map below. 
PE Day & Forest School 
PE is on Thursdays - please remember to come to school dressed in the correct PE kit on these days. 
Forest School will take place on a Friday afternoon - please ensure your child has the appropriate footwear at school for going outside in all weathers. 
Homework is set each Friday and should be returned the following Friday. Book bags need to come to school each day with your reading record and your book inside. 
Please record your daily reading in your reading records. We will check through these weekly. 
We have weekly government funded fruit deliveries and each child in EYFS and KS1 may have piece of fruit at morning break. Toast and milk are also available at a small cost. 
Water Bottles
Please bring a clearly named water bottle to school each day.

Y1 2024-2025 Curriculum Map