Parents' Evening appointments for Tuesday 25th and Wednesday 26th March are live on SchoolPing - book your appointment now!
Parents' Evening appointments for Tuesday 25th and Wednesday 26th March are live on SchoolPing - book your appointment now!
Twiss Green Community Primary School

School Holidays - Info for parents regarding holidays in term time

Family Holidays

The staff and governors firmly believe that family holidays should be taken during school holidays, since the prolonged withdrawal of a child for a holiday can significantly disrupt a child's education.  In any case, an absence for family holidays would normally be classified as unauthorised and recorded on your child's records as such. If absence during term-time is unavoidable, then you should inform the Headteacher in writing, preferably 2 weeks before the absence date.

Please see below for information from WBC School Attendance Officer, regarding holidays during term time.

Dear Parents/carers

Re Holidays in Term Time


Following the recent High Court ruling regarding holidays in term time, I am writing to clarify the position within Warrington schools.

Holidays will continue to be authorised only in exceptional circumstances. The majority of requests will not be agreed by head teachers and so will be marked as an unauthorised absence. The threshold for referral to the Local Authority for consideration is less than 90% attendance over any academic year. This figure includes any absence from school not just absence for the purpose of a holiday. Although penalty notices are not issued in Warrington, there is a clear process in place for challenging poor school attendance which can lead to prosecution in magistrate’s court.

As a service, we fully appreciate the financial constraints that some families face when booking holidays. However, there is an expectation that all schools introduce stringent checks to ensure that there is a significant reduction in the number of absences during term time.


Yours sincerely,


Debbie Parlane


Debbie Parlane

Attendance Team Manager

Warrington Borough Council

Tel 01925 444268
