Parents' Evening appointments for Tuesday 25th and Wednesday 26th March are live on SchoolPing - book your appointment now!
Parents' Evening appointments for Tuesday 25th and Wednesday 26th March are live on SchoolPing - book your appointment now!
Twiss Green Community Primary School

Vision, Ethos and Strategy

Twiss Green Vision and Values

Achieving, Caring and Growing Together

Respect, Resilience and Relationships


We are very proud of our school, our children, staff, governors and the wider Twiss Green community. It is a special place where the children are happy and feel safe and valued. Our curriculum supports academic progress but also helps our children to be respectful, resilient and develop strong relationships: our 3Rs - the core values that as a school community, we have decided are most important to us.


We strive for an environment where the children enjoy learning, celebrate their achievements and are encouraged to take pride in themselves and all that they do. Fostering a strong partnership with families is a key foundation to our approach, and we encourage parents' support of their children's learning and their successes. At Twiss Green we are focused on achieving the best learning outcomes for every pupil.  Our pupils consistently achieve high standards in the core subjects of English, Mathematics and Science but we also pride ourselves in offering a broad, balanced and stimulating curriculum. Strong teaching and learning are at the heart of our approach, and we monitor performance closely. All of our children access effective, quality-first teaching in the classroom to ensure strong progress regardless of their starting points or additional needs. We pride ourselves on early identification of children who require extra support to achieve their full potential. We encourage and expect a willingness to learn and excellent attendance, and as a school we work hard to engage with busy parents to ensure their support.



We build and maintain a positive and safe learning environment for all; safeguarding underpins everything we do at Twiss Green. We aim to develop well-rounded individuals, who can express their views clearly and thoughtfully, and who are happy and confident. We encourage our children to be caring and responsible young citizens both in school and within the wider community. The principles of Equality and Diversity run through the heart of our school. We teach the children to recognise and accept difference, and to express their views with kindness and consideration for the feelings of others. We teach that we are all equal and we all belong - there are no outsiders in our school. We set high standards for behaviour to help create the best learning environment possible and offer additional support and nurture to those members of our school family who may need it.




The Twiss Green curriculum is key to our approach in equipping our children with the skills and confidence for their future lives. Our curriculum helps our children acquire and remember knowledge of the key academic areas but also promotes spiritual, social, moral, cultural, personal and physical development, along with actively promoting family values, self-esteem and awareness of the needs of others. We believe it is important that our teaching provides: 

  • PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education) as this underpins every aspect of life at Twiss Green

  • Understanding of how to care for the environment and the opportunity to be active in the protection of it

  • Sporting experiences

  • A global awareness

  • Exploration and understanding of our core values: Respect, Resilience and Relationships

  • The opportunity to be part of a UNICEF Rights Respecting School

  • Involvement in planning and running community and charity events

  • Citizenship, including Equality and Diversity

  • Opportunities for the Arts 


We engage and encourage the children to be involved in evaluating their own learning and believe that it is important that our children are given the opportunity to shape their own ideas and influence how the school operates. We provide opportunities for children to lead and have a voice through our School Council, Eco Group, Junior Safety Officers and Rights Respecting School Ambassadors. 


Together, our Twiss Green family supports our children to achieve, care and grow throughout their primary school experience, in preparation for all that their futures may hold.