Parents' Evening appointments for Tuesday 25th and Wednesday 26th March are live on SchoolPing - book your appointment now!
Parents' Evening appointments for Tuesday 25th and Wednesday 26th March are live on SchoolPing - book your appointment now!
Twiss Green Community Primary School

Parent Information - Online Safety

Parent Information - Online Safety

As a school, we are committed to safeguarding our children and, as part of this, we provide them with age-appropriate education regarding Online Safety through our curriculum.  
Ensuring our children are safe when using technologies is a shared responsibility between school and home, so it is very important that we work together in partnership to make sure they all parties are well informed.
Our Online Safety area for parents aims to provide parents/carers with a range of useful resources and links to websites that you can use to keep informed about a whole host of different things linked to Online Safety.  As technology is constantly changing, we will update the information on these pages often.  Please come back regularly to see if we have added any new information.
If you have any concerns or questions regarding the safety of any of our children, please contact school or Miss Dunn directly on  Thank you.
Useful Online Safety Websites
For more information about Online Safety, please visit some of the sites below.  They contain a wealth of guidance, support and information about all areas of Online Safety.
The NSPCC have joined together with O2 to create a new, helpful app called Net Aware to help keep us up to date with new social media networks - CLICK HERE
NSPCC - Online Safety  - CLICK HERE
Think U Know - CLICK HERE
UK Safer Internet Centre - CLICK HERE
Childnet - CLICK HERE
A general guide to safety - SafeKids - CLICK HERE
DOT COM Children's Foundation Website - CLICK HERE
Internet Watch Foundation Website - CLICK HERE
Parents' Guide to Snapchat - CLICK HERE
Snapchat - 'Ghost Mode' - Useful Information for parents - CLICK HERE
Family Online Safety Institute (YouTube Channel) - CLICK HERE
Parents Guide to Tic Tok - CLICK HERE
Other Useful Information
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