Parents' Evening appointments for Tuesday 25th and Wednesday 26th March are live on SchoolPing - book your appointment now!
Parents' Evening appointments for Tuesday 25th and Wednesday 26th March are live on SchoolPing - book your appointment now!
Twiss Green Community Primary School

Welcome to Reception!

Class Teacher and EYFS Lead
- Mrs Ollerton

Teaching Assistants 24/25
- Mrs Bishop
- Mrs Hoolihan
- Mrs Briggs
Firstly, I would like to say a huge welcome! Reception is such a huge year for our youngest learners and we are so excited that you have chosen Twiss Green Community Primary School for your child's school journey. Below is some information that our Reception class families will find useful for the school term.
Water bottles - We encourage the children to drink plenty of water throughout the day. Please send your child their own named water bottle into school with them. If your child brings a water bottle to school, please fill it for them. If they drink all of their water, we will top it up during the day. 
PE - PE will take place on a Monday. Please send your child into school in their PE kit on this day each week.  
Outdoor Learning - Your child will have access to our Reception outdoor area daily. We will also encorporate the use of our wonderful school grounds into our learning each week. With this in mind, please send your child to school with a pair of wellies that we can keep at school throughout the year. In Reception, we have lots of outdoor waterproof suits that children can wear, you are also welcome to send in your own.
Snack - We are part of the Fruit and Vegetable Scheme and each day different fruit and vegetable options come into school. In Reception Class, we have a snack area where the children can sit and enjoy their snack. There is no need to send an additional snack into school with your child. 
The children's interests and next steps underpin our learning in Reception Class, but take a look at our curriculum map below to see possible themes and focus texts we will explore!