Parents' Evening appointments for Tuesday 25th and Wednesday 26th March are live on SchoolPing - book your appointment now!
Parents' Evening appointments for Tuesday 25th and Wednesday 26th March are live on SchoolPing - book your appointment now!
Twiss Green Community Primary School

Welcome to Year 4

Teachers: Mrs Nickson and Miss Dunn

Classroom Support: Mrs Pullen


P.E. Lessons for this term are on Tuesdays and Fridays. Please remember to come to school in your PE kits on these days and wearing suitable trainers.

Year 4 homework is set every Friday to be completed by the following Friday. Every week, there will be handwriting, a piece of maths on Century and a reading book with a target set in the blue bags. TT Rockstars have great games for times tables practise, which are so important in Year 4! 
If there is anything additional to this, we will keep you informed each week. Purple Mash is usually used for further learning. Links to all the websites can be found in our 'Useful resources' tab on the left. Enjoy!