Parents' Evening appointments for Tuesday 25th and Wednesday 26th March are live on SchoolPing - book your appointment now!
Parents' Evening appointments for Tuesday 25th and Wednesday 26th March are live on SchoolPing - book your appointment now!
Twiss Green Community Primary School


The School Curriculum

Our Principles and Purpose

At Twiss Green it is our intent to provide a curriculum which enables the children to enjoy a rich primary experience that develops skills, curiosity and an intrinsic desire to learn and do their best. We want our pupils to acquire and remember knowledge, that will help them to begin to develop an understanding of the world and their place in it, leaving them with lasting memories and the foundation on which to build fulfilling lives. 

In partnership with families, we want to develop well-rounded individuals with a strong understanding of Citizenship, including Equality and Diversity, who are resilient and empathetic and understand their position within a world context. We want the children to care about the environment and to be active in their protection of it. We aim to give the children a deep understanding of healthy lives, including the importance of exercise, diet, self-care and well-being. 

Entitlement and Enrichment at Twiss Green

In order to do this, we will aim to provide rich opportunities for the arts, including opportunity to exhibit, visit concert halls, museums, art galleries, attend performances including theatre, music and dance. We aim for at least 3 educational visits per year including places of worship and provide rich residential experiences for our older pupils. 

We will offer a range of sporting experiences, which will include extra-curricular clubs, team and individual opportunities for competition. We provide opportunities for children to lead and have a voice through School Council, Eco School, and Rights Respecting School Ambassadors. The children at Twiss Green will have the chance to be actively involved in planning and running community events held at Twiss Green such as Coffee, Cakes and Carols, Strawberry Tea and raising money for the Mwanjati Village Trust. 

Bloom’s Taxonomy of thinking skills will be embedded into the curriculum and into lessons through choice of activity, investigation, experimentation and questioning in order to develop our pupils’ ability to think, reason and question. Acquisition of language will be a priority. Children will be given opportunities to develop interpersonal skills through working in different ways with others.

Please see each subject page to find out more about that particular area of the curriculum and to see subject policies.