Parents' Evening appointments for Tuesday 25th and Wednesday 26th March are live on SchoolPing - book your appointment now!
Parents' Evening appointments for Tuesday 25th and Wednesday 26th March are live on SchoolPing - book your appointment now!
Twiss Green Community Primary School


Music in Twiss Green Community Primary School is delivered using the Charanga scheme of learning. Every class receives music teaching every other week.

Differentiation is achieved by resource, task, support and outcome through teachers’ delivery of the Charanga planning.

All pupils are encouraged to participate in and enjoy music lessons regardless of race, culture, gender, ability or physical limitations. A mutual respect and tolerance for all cultures will be promoted through the study of music.

During music lessons pupils will be expected to work collaboratively in groups, as a whole class, in pairs and individually. Groups are chosen (by the teacher or pupils) appropriate to the task set. Children have the opportunity to work in groups of both mixed and same gender and ability.

Pupils with special educational needs are able to develop confidence through the expression of their feelings in music. Teachers set high expectations of pupils and ensure that adjustments are made to give every pupil the opportunity to achieve.



At Twiss Green it is our intent to:

  • Give every child the opportunity to experience enjoyment through a variety of musical activities

  • Develop a child’s understanding of music through these activities

  • Help children of all abilities develop positive attitudes and to experience success and satisfaction in music.

  • Develop social skills through co-operation with others in the shared experience of music making.

  • Develop an understanding of musical traditions and enhance performance skills by learning and performing music in a variety of cultures.

  • Give children the opportunity to perform music both vocally and with instruments

  • Encourage the children to explore a wide range of sounds

  • Give them the opportunity to compose music and express their ideas and feelings through music

  • Experience listening to music of a variety of styles and cultures

  • Be motivated to enjoy and succeed in music

  • Encourage children to express ideas and opinions about music

  • Give the opportunity to develop musical talents

  • Develop an appropriate vocabulary to help them understand and discuss their own work and that of others


We aim for the children to know more, remember more and understand more about music.





  • All staff are responsible for overseeing the planning and delivery of Music within their own classes. 

  • Teachers will deliver the Twiss Green curriculum, developed through the use of the Charanga scheme, to ensure coverage and progression required in the National Curriculum.

  • Children will have opportunities to learn individually, in groups and as a whole class.

  • Teachers are responsible for assessing the children’s acquisition of skills and their understanding of Music in line with the assessment policy and planning learning activities accordingly.

  • The EYFS children have opportunities to sing songs and rhymes, move to music and explore musical instruments freely, as they develop their understanding of music,

  • They participate in music sessions learning about pulse, pitch, rhythm, tempo and dynamics. 

Key stages 1 & 2

  • In KS1, our children build on the musical skills and knowledge they have learnt in reception. Each class has curriculum-led music teaching. Our school follows the Charanga scheme of work, which is in line with the Music Model Curriculum and the National Curriculum. The activities and games included in the scheme cover the musical dimensions, (pulse, rhythm, pitch, tempo, timbre etc.) through singing and playing instruments, listening and creating music – all intrinsically linked through a central song or piece. 


The following list of skills and attributes can be gained through participation in musical activities. It will be clear that these also contribute to the whole school curriculum.

  • A sense of achievement - individual and collective

  • Social skills such as co-operation, tolerance, self-confidence and perseverance

  • Coordination of fingers, hands, arms, lips, cheek and facial muscles develops greatly

  • Ability to read notation

  • Ability to discriminate between sounds

  • Listening skills

  • Imagination and inventiveness

  • Ability to analyse and solve problems

  • Ability to memorise and develop attention to detail

  • Communication skills, self-discipline and self-evaluation

  • Higher standards of application and concentration in all areas of work

Monitoring standards of teaching and learning within Music is the primary responsibility of the Music Leader. All teachers are expected to keep an online portfolio and track children’s work using Charanga. This portfolio must contain work samples from all areas of the curriculum taught for the year group. 

Knowledge Organisers
Progression of Knowledge and Skills
Peripatetic Music Lessons
Here at Twiss Green, we offer a wide and varied choice of peripatetic music lessons.
Here are a few of the peripatetic lessons available here:
Ukulele (KS1)
Guitar (KS2)
Flute (KS2)
For more information, please contact our office team on 01925 762346.