Parents' Evening appointments for Tuesday 25th and Wednesday 26th March are live on SchoolPing - book your appointment now!
Parents' Evening appointments for Tuesday 25th and Wednesday 26th March are live on SchoolPing - book your appointment now!
Twiss Green Community Primary School

Wrap Around Care (Breakfast Club/After School Club) Tel: 07909461439

Contact Mob no – 07909461439 
Important Changes to Breakfast Club/After School Club from September 2024
From September 2024 we will be changing the way we provide Breakfast Club and After School Club at Twiss Green Community Primary School. Below we have outlined the changes, however if you have any concerns or questions, please contact Miss Humphreys in the school office.
New Times:
From September 2024 we will be opening our After School Club until 6pm, instead of our existing 5.45pm. This will be a pilot until July 2026, so may be subject to change. However, we do hope that this extended opening time will be more beneficial to working families.
New Rates:
As you may know, we have not increased our Breakfast Club and After School Club rates for a few years. As we are extending our opening time for After School Club this year, along with the increase in most costs, we have made the hard decision to increase our rates slightly. We kept the cost fixed last year to try to support families with the high cost of living, however this year we have had to increase the cost. This increase is to cover an increase in staff, energy and food and resource costs that we have incurred. In comparison we still believe that our rates are very competitive for wraparound childcare.
The new rates will be as follows:
Breakfast Club from 7.30am - £7
Breakfast Club from 8am - £6
Breakfast Club Ad-hoc sessions - £7.50
After School Club - £12
After School Club Ad-hoc sessions - £13.50
*Ad-hoc sessions are last minute sessions booked without advance notice and booked after the cut off time (12 midnight the night before the session)
New Booking System:
We will be changing the current booking system for both Breakfast Club and After School Club. Currently we invoice for sessions after they have been attended. However, from September 2024 we will be moving our booking system to a pay as you book system, via Parent Pay.
All sessions will need to be booked before 12 midnight the night before the session. Ad-hoc sessions will need to be booked via the school office.
A guide to the new booking system can be found on the following link: 
For families who pay using Tax Free Childcare or Childcare Vouchers:
We are asking for families to understand that when using the Tax Free Childcare and Childcare Vouchers, it can take a few days for the funds to show in our bank account, therefore all bookings you would like to make using your tax free childcare will need to be booked in advance, with plenty of time for the funds to be cleared and updated on your Parent Pay account.
Please see below booking steps:
• Calculate how much you need to update your Parent Pay account with
• Send Tax Free Childcare / Childcare Vouchers over to Twiss Green Primary School account
• Inform Miss Humphreys at the school office how much you have sent over and how much you would like for either Breakfast Club / After School Club via email
• Once confirmed funds have been received (usually 2 working days), Miss Humphreys will update Parent Pay
• You can then book your sessions on Parent Pay
• Cut off for bookings will be 12 midnight the night before the session is to take place
• Ad-hoc sessions will need to be booked through the school office and will be deducted from your Parent Pay account. Unfortunately, ad-hoc sessions will not be able to be paid for with Tax Free Childcare, unless you already have the funds in your Parent Pay account.
Sessions will be released on a half-termly basis, usually the last two weeks before the end of the half term. Sessions are limited to numbers, therefore if the session is not showing as available on your Parent Pay account, it will mean it is fully booked.
Furthermore, if you have an outstanding balance on your Parent Pay account for Breakfast Club or After School Club, before the end of the current term (Summer 2), you will not be able to book for September 2024 until this balance is cleared.
We politely ask all families to check their current balance for anything outstanding.
Kind regards
Miss Charlotte Humphreys School Business Manager


There are also local organisations willing to help parents who have problems collecting their children immediately after school. Please contact Warrington Children’s Information Service (Sure Start) helpline on 443131 or log on to for more information.