Parents' Evening appointments for Tuesday 25th and Wednesday 26th March are live on SchoolPing - book your appointment now!
Parents' Evening appointments for Tuesday 25th and Wednesday 26th March are live on SchoolPing - book your appointment now!
Twiss Green Community Primary School

Things you can do at home

To support your child in their development of reading, we recommend that you spend at least 15 minutes per day reading with your child. This can be a combination of you listening to them read their school book, them listening to you read a story book or even taking it in turns. The sharing of reading is a valuable experience for you and child as it gives you the opportunity to discuss new vocabulary as well as characters, themes and even facts that a range of books can offer.

Here are some other things you can try:

  • Make books part of your family life - Always have books around do that you and your children are ready to read whenever there is a chance.
  • Join your local library - Get your child a library card!
  • Match their interests - Help them find the right book - it doesn't matter if it's fiction, poetry, comic books or non-fiction.
  • All reading is good - Don't discount non-fiction, comics, graphic novels, magazines and leaflets. Reading is reading and it is all good.
  • Get comfortable! - Snuggle up somewhere warm and cosy with your child, either in bed, on a beanbag or on the sofa.
  • Ask questions - To keep them interested in the story, ask your child questions as you read such as, "What do you think will happen next?" or "Where did we get to last night? Can you remember what has happened already?"
  • Read whenever you get the chance - Bring along a book or magazine for any time your child has to wait, such as at a doctor's surgery.
  • Read again and again - Encourage your child to re-read favourite books and poems. Re-reading helps to build up fluency and confidence.
  • Bedtime stories - Regularly read with your child or children at bedtime. It's a great way to end the day and to spend valuable time with your child.
  • Rhyme and repetition - Books are great for encouraging your child and children to join in and remember the words.