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Parents' Evening appointments for Tuesday 25th and Wednesday 26th March are live on SchoolPing - book your appointment now!
Twiss Green Community Primary School

Twiss Green Pre-School Consultation

Published: 17 Dec '24

The Governing Body of Twiss Green Community Primary School are seeking the views of parents, staff and other stakeholders on a proposal to permanently change the age range of Twiss Green Community Primary School from 4-11 years to 3-11 years to enable the school to run a pre-school provision.

Twiss Green currently provides early years education for children who turn five when in our Reception class. The proposed pre-school provision will be located in a spare classroom and will accommodate up to 24 three and four-year-old children per session.

Proposed timeline:

Tuesday 17th December: consultation opens

Tuesday 21st January: consultation closes

September 2025: proposed implementation

Have your say:

If you wish to comment on this proposal, please respond by:

·         Completing our online response form, which can be found here:


·         Emailing your views to our school office:

All written responses must be received by midday on Tuesday 21st January