The Governing Body is responsible for overseeing many of the strategic decisions of the school, they act as a ‘critical friend’ to support and challenge. School governors are appointed for a four-year term of office, and are parents, community representatives, staff and local authority representatives. They can be contacted, when necessary, through the school office.
Members of the Governing Body also serve on a number of committees. There are two main committees that meet on a termly basis, monitor specific areas of activity and report back to the full governing body when deemed appropriate.
These committees are as follows:
Performance and Curriculum Committee
Focuses on monitoring the curriculum and results and ensuring all Safeguarding requirements are in place and working effectively)
Resource Management Committee
Focuses on ensuring our finances are used effectively, health and safety and GDPR.
Mrs Liz Davis
Chair Of Governing Body
• Parent Governor
• Chair of Governing Body
• Member of the Performance and Curriculum Committee and Resource Management Committee
• Member of the Language and Communication Curriculum Team
I was elected to the governing body in November 2019 and have one child at school with another hopefully joining next year. I am a qualified Actuary and my job involves people management, financial management and planning and regulatory compliance. These are all skills I use on the Governing Body to ensure we are managing and developing the school in the best possible way. I am passionate about ensuring our children have a rich primary experience and that they leave Twiss Green, not just having had an excellent academic education, but as independent and caring individuals who have thoroughly enjoyed their time at Twiss Green.
Miss Jennie Bailey
Vice Chair of Governors
• Co-opted Governor
• Vice Chair of the Governing Body
• Member of Performance and Curriculum Committee and Resource Management Committee
• Safeguarding Governor
• Member of the Humanities Governor Curriculum Team
As a former pupil of Twiss Green Primary School, it gives me great pleasure to be one of two Vice Chairs of the Governing Body. Alongside supporting the Chair of Governors, I am a Co-opted Governor, Safeguarding Governor and I am Safer Recruitment trained. Having only joined the Governing Body in November 2020, I am looking forward to continuing my work with the school over the coming years. My profession is in teaching and I am currently an Assistant Headteacher in a larger school in St Helens. As part of my role in the school, I am responsible for inclusion in school; including pupil premium, SEND and looked after children. During my time in teaching, I have completed numerous additional professional qualifications including my National SENCO award, a National Qualification in Headship and I am trained as a Designated Lead in school. Alongside my management role in school, I currently teach in Year 6 and have a range of experience teaching across the primary phase over the last ten years. I look back incredibly fondly on my years as a pupil at Twiss Green Primary school and am extremely grateful not only for the academic start it gave me in life but also the incredible wider opportunities I was offered whilst at the school. To this day, I still remember the immense pride I felt in being awarded the role of ‘Holcroft House Captain’ and ‘School Captain’ in Year 6 and look back fondly on the musical performances I was part of whilst at school. I firmly believe that primary school is about developing a child as a whole and I can strongly say that Twiss Green did this for me. I hope in my role as governor at the school that I can ensure we continue to over an excellent, broad education to all children at our school.
Ms Claire Strange
Co-opted Governor
• Co-opted Governor
• Member of Performance and Curriculum Committee
• Member of the Arts and EYFS Governor Curriculum Teams
I joined the Governing Body in November 2021. I attended Lancaster University and have a degree in psychology. I am currently Deputy Headteacher of a primary school in St Helens and have a passion for inclusion, equality, and diversity. I lead personal development supporting the mental health, character and aspirations of our pupils. I also hold the post of school Special Educational Needs Coordinator and Inclusion leader. Furthermore, I support curriculum development through my roles of maths and PSHE coordinator. Outside of work, I enjoy socialising with friends, spending time with family and going on holiday, in particular to Walt Disney World in Florida. Having lived in Culcheth all my life, I wish to ensure the children of the village get the best possible educational experience at Twiss Green Primary School.
Mr Damian McAreavey
Co-opted Governor
• Co-opted Governor
• Member of the Resource Management Committee
• Member of the Language and Communication Curriculum Team
I have been a Governor at Twiss Green for 22 years, including appointments as Vice Chair and Chair of Resource Management Committee. During my career I held senior roles in Pharmaceutical, Management Consultancy and Glass Manufacturing Industries. I have been a board member of Commerce and Training not-for-profit organisations for over 11 years. My two daughters have benefitted greatly from a Twiss Green education and I have a passionate desire for all pupils to have the same opportunity.