Parents' Evening appointments for Tuesday 25th and Wednesday 26th March are live on SchoolPing - book your appointment now!
Parents' Evening appointments for Tuesday 25th and Wednesday 26th March are live on SchoolPing - book your appointment now!
Twiss Green Community Primary School

What is going on in school?

In school, we have developed and created different ways to help us feel better when our feelings get too big or when we're just not feeling our best. We have done this because we know that when our feelings take over, we can't be our best - we can't be the best friends we usually are, do our best work or try our very best even when we struggle (be resilient).    Here are some of the things we have in school to help us.  

Calm Boxes In our classrooms, we have our Calm Boxes which contain various objects or activities to help us to get back to a place where we can focus on our learning when our thoughts or feelings have been distracting us. These are a good place to start and work best when we are just a little bit worried, angry, sad, or even if we're not sure how we are feeling. Have a look at the pictures of our Calm Boxes.  

Special areas in our classrooms We all have our own special area in or outside our classrooms where we can go, with or without a Calm Box, to have quiet space and time to focus on regulating how we are feeling. Each class has named their own area. Have a look at our special spaces in the pictures!  

The Sunshine Room  We are so proud of our new Sunshine Room. It is a beautiful forest-themed, calm place where we can go to really help us relax, especially when we need more help than the Calm Boxes and our special areas can give. It is a room that encompasses all our senses; there are colourful lights, projected images, calming music, beautifully scented lamps, cosy cushions, drawing resources and fidget toys. Our nurture and social groups also take place in here.  

Nurture and Social Groups As mentioned above, nurture and social groups take place in the Sunshine Room. These sessions are designed to support those of us who need extra social and emotional learning or support.   

Assemblies, The Balls of Emotion and The Colour Monster We use our Tuesday assembly time to focus on our social and emotional learning by using The Emotions Shed and The Balls of Emotion. We use The Colour Monster in EYFS and KS1 and The Balls of Emotion in KS2 to help us identify and understand our feelings.  

My Happy Mind We have recently acquired My Happy Mind, which is a NHS backed science-based programme for schools grounded in the latest science and research about what it takes to create positive wellbeing. Every single child gets taught through My Happy Mind and there are some beautiful stories, songs and images - we can't wait to share this with you!  

No Outsiders books Although these a more linked to our PSHE curriculum, they definitely help us to see people in a different light and as individuals. If everyone understands the uniquness of people, then hopefully anyone who worries about their personal differences may feel a little more comfortable.