Parents' Evening appointments for Tuesday 25th and Wednesday 26th March are live on SchoolPing - book your appointment now!
Parents' Evening appointments for Tuesday 25th and Wednesday 26th March are live on SchoolPing - book your appointment now!
Twiss Green Community Primary School

Welcome letter from Chair of Governors

Dear Parents

Welcome to Twiss Green Community Primary School. The school is a special place where the children are happy and feel safe and valued.

The governors are the strategic leaders of the school and we are here to ensure the safety, welfare and education of the pupils. We monitor and evaluate the school – holding it to account for its educational results and the performance management of the staff. We also ensure its financial resources are used effectively. We support the headteacher, the senior leadership team and all the members of staff to ensure the children enjoy a rich primary experience.

When the children are in school, they are asked to follow the ‘Golden Rules’ of good learning behaviour. These rules, listed below, were made by the pupils themselves.

  • Always do your best
  • Always be considerate to others
  • Always be polite

We are delighted to say the children achieve high standards across the curriculum. The quality of education that the children receive is thanks to the detailed planning and hard work of the staff, combined with the children’s good behaviour and willingness to learn. The children’s school life is also enhanced by the range of clubs and extra-curricular activities provided by both the staff and outside organisations.

The school also has a very strong Parents’ Association, which organises various events throughout the school year to raise money for the school and to allow parents and children to socialise and enjoy themselves.

The governors are committed to ensuring school improvement is the focus of all policy and strategy, and to bringing real changes to the lives of the children.

We hope that after reading this letter you will have some appreciation of what makes Twiss Green Community Primary School so special.

Yours sincerely,

Liz Davis
Chair of Governors