At Twiss Green Primary School, the intent of our RE curriculum is to engage, inspire, challenge and encourage pupils, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to answer challenging questions, explore different religious beliefs, values and traditions and develop a more rigorous understanding of the numerous religious traditions, beliefs and practices that are followed in our multicultural society.
We believe RE will support children and young people in developing their own beliefs, values and attitudes through an exploration of shared human experience and other religions in the contemporary world. At Twiss Green Community Primary, we believe that studying religious and non-religious worldviews is essential if pupils are to be well prepared for life in our increasingly diverse society. Pupils need to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to make sense of the complex world in which they live so that they can 'respect religious and cultural differences and contribute to a cohesive and compassionate society' (RE Review 2013).
We follow the Lancashire Agreed Syllabus for RE which is designed around a key question in each year group, with each question linking back to the overarching field of enquiry question, ‘What does it mean to be human?’
Religious Education follows an enquiry approach that moves through four strands to enable full engagement and develop understanding.
Shared Human Experience – an experience that is common to all human beings.
Beliefs and Values – examining the core beliefs and values at the heart of a faith.
Living Religious Tradition – exploring the way in which a religion's core beliefs and values show in members’ everyday life.
Search for Personal Meaning – how has the exploration of religious beliefs, values and traditions developed my beliefs.
We enrich our RE curriculum by organising visits to places of worship and first-hand experiences to engage the children and stimulate their interest.