Religious Education
Our RE curriculum works with the Lancashire agreed syllabus and challenges children to learn about a range of religions. Religious Education encourages the children to consider searching questions and discover a rich knowledge of the world around them, whilst developing an important sense of what it means to be human. Children explore questions within each religion and formulate their own questions as they make sense of religion and spiritual concepts, developing their sense of belonging in a diverse world. An example is considering the similarities and differences between families during celebrations and appreciating the uniqueness that diversity encourages.
Art, music, dance, drama and active sessions enable children to make comparisons across religions. We use floor books to capture the children’s creative journey, from brainstorming and questioning the topics, to discovering answers independently and collaboratively through discussion based enquiry.
In Religious Education, our children work together to develop a collective sense of caring and excellence, driven by an absolute respect of diversity. Through carefully planned lessons, they reflect on each other’s lives and the world around them, developing aspirations through the role models they meet and embracing the differences and changes within religions.